
Your Partner in Maritime Decarbonization Services

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At Broadside, we're committed to providing sustainable solutions that drive positive change in the maritime sector. As global momentum for environmental responsibility continues to grow, vessel owners and managers are navigating the intricate landscape of decarbonization. Our dedicated team is here to guide you on this transformative journey, enabling you to reshape your fleet into an eco-friendly, efficient, and environmentally conscious operation.

Understanding Decarbonization and Its Impact in Shipping ​

Decarbonization within the shipping industry is a strategic approach aimed at reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the ecological footprint of maritime operations. As a significant contributor to global carbon emissions, the shipping sector plays a pivotal role in achieving international climate goals and securing a sustainable future. By adopting cutting-edge technologies, streamlining operations, and adhering to stringent global regulations, vessel owners and operators can effectively minimize their carbon footprint.




Global GHG Emission

Shipping Industry

CO2 Emission from 2008 to 2050

CO2 Emission 90%
CO2 Emission 100%

Carbon Dioxide Emission is projected to rise from 90 per cent in 2008 to 90-130 per cent in 2050.


Decarbonization with BroadsideDecarbonization with Broadside Marine

At Broadside, we proudly offer a comprehensive array of specialized decarbonization services that cater to the unique requirements of each client. Experience our cutting-edge Class approved software that effortlessly handles IMO DCS and MRV,EEXI, CII, EU-ETS and Vessel Performance calculations for your fleet, complete with an Class approved Certificate.

  • CII Reporting and Optimization Strategies​

    Our accomplished team assists in the precise calculation of Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) values for your vessels. We provide strategic insights into optimizing your carbon intensity, enabling you to present accurate data to regulatory authorities. Additionally, we design strategic action plans to drive continuous improvement.

  • EU-ETS Calculation & Certification

    Experience the cutting-edge Class approved software that effortlessly handles EU-ETS calculations for your fleet, complete with an Class-endorsed Certificate.

    The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a dynamic emissions cap-and-trade initiative designed to curtail greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It sets specific limits on GHG emissions for select economic sectors, ensuring a greener, more sustainable future.

  • Vessel Performance Analytics

    Covers the entire scope of what a Vessel Manager would need to improve his/her vessel:

    •Main Engine SFOC
    •Main Engine daily consumptions
    •SFOC trend
    •Top negative performers in the fleet
    •Vessel scorecards
    •Hull condition
    •Vessel fuel stock
    •Auxiliary Engines excess consumptions
    •Auxiliary engine Daily Consumptions
    •Auxiliary engine performance
    •Boiler performance & excess consumptions
    •Speed trends​

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Ready to Decarbonize with Carbon?


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